Odisha Nai Pahal Scheme – Newly Married Couples to Get Wedding Kits

The new Nai Pahal Scheme 2024has been introduced by the Odisha government for newlywed couples. The state government will distribute wedding kits to newlyweds under this clause. The state government will launch this new programme to encourage newlywed couples to practise responsible family planning as a part of population control initiatives. You will learn all there is to know about the Odisha NaiPahal Scheme in this article.


Odisha Nai Pahal Scheme 2024

Because of the population explosion, the government of Odisha is getting ready to launch a new programme in which newlyweds will receive a “wedding kit” as part of population control measures. The “wedding kit” is a part of the Nai Pahal Scheme under the National Health Mission (NHM), which aims to increase awareness of the necessity for young couples to embrace both temporary and long-term methods of family planning.

Odisha Inter Caste Marriage Scheme

Nai Pahal Scheme Details in Highlights

Name of the scheme Odisha Nai Pahal Scheme
Initiated by Government of Odisha
Beneficiaries Newley wed couples
Aim To practise responsible family planning
Scheme applicable from September

Wedding Kits Details

A brochure about the techniques and advantages of family planning will be included in the box, along with a marriage registration form, condoms, oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), and emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs).

The particular gift set will also include a home pregnancy test kit in addition to a bride grooming package that includes, among other things, a comb, bindi, nail cutter, mirror, handkerchief, and towel.

E District Odisha

Objective of the Odisha Nai Pahal Scheme

The “wedding kit” is a part of the Nai Pahal Scheme under the National Health Mission (NHM), which aims to increase awareness of the necessity for young couples to embrace both temporary and long-term methods of family planning.

Despite having a low total fertility rate, Odisha is the first State to undertake the campaign, according to NHM State Mission Director Shalini Pandit (TFR). The average number of children a woman would have throughout her lifetime is called the TFR of a population. Odisha’s TFR is 1.8 compared to the national average of two. The responsibility of providing kits to newlywed couples has been delegated to Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs).

According to the reports, the package may also include a wedding congratulations letter from the Chief Minister in addition to the contact information for local health professionals, ASHA, and ANM. The Health Department also intends to expand family planning counselling and contraceptive services to all operational urban primary health centres, as well as to increase the administration of novel injectable contraceptives to qualified couples.

How to Get Wedding Kits

The responsibility of providing kits to newlywed couples has been delegated to the Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs). ASHAs have been taught to give kits to all newlyweds in a suitable manner and to encourage them to use family planning methods.

“Starting in September, the ASHAs will pay visits to the homes where the wedding is being held and distribute the kit. Along with informing the newlyweds of the spacing and limiting techniques, they will also closely monitor the kit’s effectiveness.

Odisha Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana

Marriage Kits

  • A booklet with information on the advantages of family planning, a marriage licence, condoms, oral contraceptives, and emergency contraceptives.
  • A home pregnancy test kit and a bride grooming package will also be included.